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Exactly my dark beautiful one!
Let the day-walkers stay where they are,
If they realize the beauty of night,
Then all the better,
But let them enjoy the sun,
For it has no interest at all to us.

The night is infinitely more beautiful,
And vivid than the hours of sun,
It is our time,
We welcome those few,
Who enjoy it as we do,
Who see its beauty,
Sublimity and exquisiteness.

Leave the sun dwellers be,
We welcome the darkness,
The shadows,
Because only those who truly understand it,
And can see it,
Love the colours,
And the silence of night.

Let the sun-dwellers be,
I do not envy them,
So much is invisible to them,
Let them be,
And let us embrace the purples,
Violets, ultra marines, dark blues,
And sheer beauty and passion of night.

Let them worship Apollo the sun god,
And leave them be,
As we grow in love with the moon and stars.

Martin Gaughan
Martin Gaughan - Composer